The Third Space:
Identities of The Hybrid Canon
Book Design / Exhibition Identity
This book design project is linked to my interest in exploring brand design in spatial contexts. The Third Space: Identities of the Hybrid Canon is a fictional art exhibition featuring 8 artists whose works use the lens of identity to explore the space existing between the Western and Non-Western Canon of Art; a hybrid space spanning different races, cultures and points of view. The project involved creating a catalog featuring essays and interviews, artist sections, lists of featured works as well as exhibition histories.

This project was inspired by the concept of liminal space, of what exists in between spaces both geographical and social. I was interested in how such a concept can be made visual to showcase work that is the product of being in-between two established canons of art.

I proposed the exhibition take place at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, NY. It is a densely populated location with people from all over the world. The multi-cultural nature of both the exhibition and its location led to the creation of a poster series where one can see themselves reflected and represented in them.